Thursday, March 27, 2008

I *heart* Face Book

It's my favourite waste of time. I took a quiz to find out what magical animal I am
I'm a ... Pixie!!! YAY, what joy!

If you don't have a face book you should get one, it's more fun then myspace!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

My Baking Disaster.

Today I'm on morning tea. So last night I decided to make some cookies to bring to work. I thought bunny cookies would do nicely. However I encountered some problems. I found a suitable recipe. But no cookie cutters. It all went down hill from there!!

There was no hand mixer, so i tried to use the old bowl mixer. And set it on a speed that was too fast. And sugar went flying every where!!!
I forgot to get certain utensil, such as a rolling pin and had to pull apart the utensil drawers to find one.
I had to cut the shapes out with a knife and they looked shocking.... i gave up and just cut out circles.

Some how I got them into the oven. Only to burn the bottom of half on them and under cook the rest!

I was tired and cranky.
And they looked horrible.
So I gave up and went to bed.

This morning I went bought Hot Cross Buns from the supermarket! I didn't want to, i was trying to avoid the cliche Easter treat, but i had no choice.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

3 for 2

I went to look at books today, coz it makes me feel happy. And I ended up buying some. Normal I don't pay full price for books. I prefer pre-loved books and usually don't spend more then $10 on one. I only ever buy new books if I can't live without them (ie the new Obernewtyn Chrionicle/Harry Potter etc). So, I was looking around and noticed that they had the following books that are one my list of books to read:

I bought 2 and got the 3rd FREE!!! How nice.

I can't wait to start reading them. I just need to choose which one to start first ... hmmm any suggestions?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Found Art

I've been on a big cleaning mission tonight and this includes going through all my collection of paper, art, books, magazines and notebooks... ( I'm a hoarder, ok) and doing a mega cull. And i found these items. In order of appearence: Art peice 1 & 2: by me. Art piece 3 & 4 by Cara (check out her blog

The latest DUPS posters

*created for two different events for the DUP Society. Visit their website for more information:

Friday, March 7, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I need a hair cut ...

... and some drawing skills when using a mouse in photshop... but what do expect for a 35 second sketch...